ARE Deutzen GmbH: Corporate Business Principles

Corporate Business Principles

ARE Deutzen GmbH operates in accordance with a combined environmental, occupational safety and quality management system. Associated with this is our assurance of compliance with the relevant legal obligations and other requirements to which we are committed and which relate to the environmental aspects of our work.

Company Management provides a framework for the definition and evaluation of environmental and quality objectives and individual targets for the continuous improvement of environmental protection and the quality of work.

Company Management and all employees confirm the mandatory nature of our environmental and quality obligations. They ensure that this environmental and quality policy is documented, implemented and maintained in an updated form; they also ensure that the policies are communicated to and understood by every employee and that the adequacy of these policies is assessed going forward.

As a company, we adhere to the principles set out in this policy in accordance with our responsibility towards our employees, our customers and the general public, who may be affected by our activities.

Our services cover thermal soil treatment, including dry-mechanical pre-treatment with intermediate storage and encapsulated special storage, as well as the completion of environmental remediation projects. Our work is highly dependent on the personnel we assign to these tasks. Accordingly, we attach great importance to creating a pleasant work environment for our employees that is, without exception, characterised by high ethical standards and equal opportunities for all employees.

We pay particular attention to aspects of health and safety at work and, due to our activity as a remediation specialist, to the avoidance of harmful influences on our surroundings and the environment. Excellent quality and the efficient management of internal company processes are hallmarks of our operations. The work environment at our company should be free of discriminatory acts, drug abuse and any form of corruption. The greatest priority in our work is to prevent occupational accidents and damage to the health of our employees and the environment. To this end, we strive to ensure regular and continuous improvements of our operating principles and policies.

Ethics and corporate social responsibility

  • We solve all problems by applying the highest standards of competency.
  • We cultivate internal potential by ensuring close connections between all companies belonging to the group.
  • It is always our goal to engage with our customers in open communication at the earliest opportunity and to establish and foster long-term partnerships.
  • Improving our profitability is essential and contributes to securing the future of our company based on commercial success.
  • Our process and quality management systems are certified according to EN ISO 9001.
  • Team spirit makes an indispensable contribution to the success of our work – we are committed to continuous improvement in this area, especially across organisational, cultural and geographical boundaries.
  • We guarantee honesty and a fair approach – in our internal and external dealings.
  • We are committed to high standards of performance and demand excellence from our employees. To this end, we support and promote the development of our employees. Our managers live up to their responsibility as role models.
  • We are convinced that our employees act with due awareness of risks and in the interest of our customers. Transparency and communication are key elements of our successful strategy.
  • Company decisions always take into account our responsibility towards the environment and society.
  • We appreciate the potential that results from different ideals and concepts, as well as from diversity in social and ethnic backgrounds.
  • Drug abuse on the company premises, on construction sites or in the external representation of our company is strictly prohibited.
  • Immediate and vehement action will be taken to fight discrimination and bullying.

Health and safety at work

  • Identification of sources of danger in the working environment, assessment of these risks and introduction of appropriate preventive and protective measures to eliminate accidents at work and health hazards for employees.
  • Promotion of healthy behaviour at work.
  • Provision and maintenance of personal protective equipment.
  • Definition and controlled enforcement of safe working methods.
  • Recruitment and employment of suitably trained personnel with the necessary competencies to perform their duties in accordance with the responsibilities assigned to them.
  • Tasks assigned to an employee always reflect their skills, knowledge and capabilities.
  • Assurance that all employees possess up-to-date technical competency at all times. This is guaranteed through the provision of opportunities to participate regularly in further training courses.
  • Furthermore, we ensure consistently that our employees receive additional training to meet the current requirements of public administrations and private sector customers.
  • Employees are made aware of aspects relating to health and safety at work and best practices through the effective communication of relevant information.
  • Employee participation and consultation are ensured through their involvement in risk assessments, accident evaluations and through the regular attendance by safety officers of Occupational Health and Safety Meetings to discuss relevant issues of health and safety.

Environmental Policy

  • The best possible avoidance or maximum reduction of emissions is always a goal of our activities.
  • We strive to protect the environment. Among the actions we take for the assurance of this commitment are technical measures to reduce environmental impact, avoidance of unacceptable environmental damage and contributions to prevention and remediation.
  • As a certified waste management company, we ensure compliance with legal requirements (e.g. recycling laws, landfill regulations, emission protection laws etc.), regulations and guidelines both internally and with the assistance of an external monitoring company.


Principles of conduct protect our company and our employees from unethical behaviour and its consequences. The following principles are an expression of our corporate culture, provide orientation and are mandatory for employees at all levels. Although they do not set out conclusive responses to all legal or moral questions, they do prevent misconduct and promote honest and decent behaviour in dealings with our employees, customers and other business partners.

Compliance with rules and laws

Our actions are based on the legal framework that applies to the specific case. All employees must comply with relevant rules and laws. Violations of these rules and laws may result in criminal action and liability proceedings and may also lead to the initiation of measures under labour law. The standards we uphold go beyond mere compliance with the law. We expect our employees and business partners to behave in a manner that is beyond reproach in all their activities. We condemn all breaches of fair competition.

Competition and antitrust law

Fair competition is a basic requirement for liberal market development and its associated social benefits. Agreements with competitors to refrain from competing, to submit bogus bids in tender procedures or to divide up customers, markets, territories or services are prohibited. We always act in accordance with this principle and expect the same from our partners and competitors.


We win contracts fairly based on the quality of our innovative services charged at competitive prices. Any form of corruption such as the giving or accepting of undue advantages, bribery and corruption is strictly prohibited. No employee may offer, grant or accept bribes or other benefits. Third parties may not be used to circumvent this rule. Any violation will inevitably lead to disciplinary action and may also result in criminal prosecution.

Loyalty to the company and the interests of customers

We respect and appreciate every single employee. This is because it is precisely these employees who make a significant contribution to the success of our company through their daily commitment. We expect our employees to act unfailingly in the company’s best interests. This is expressed, among other things, by their careful and responsible management of the business, company and customer assets that are entrusted to them.

Protection of trade secrets

The expression of trust in customers, partners, consultants, subcontractors, suppliers and employees is a valuable asset. We therefore expect all stakeholders to ensure the protection of trade and business secrets and intellectual property. The disclosure of confidential company information to third parties may create a significant competitive disadvantage and is therefore not permitted.

Conflicts of interest

Professional business relationships are built on objective dealings between all stakeholders involved in the operating process. Situations in which there is a conflict of interest, in which the personal interests of an employee may impair or damage those of the company, must be avoided. Employees are obliged to make their business decisions in the best interests of our company and not based on the pursuit of personal interests. Supervisors must be informed without delay if there is a conflict of interest.

Environmental protection

Protecting the environment, both now and in the interests of future generations, is a task and an obligation to which all employees must contribute. We are aware of our responsibility towards the environment. Compliance with the obligations of environmental law is self-evident to us as an integral part of our corporate policy. We protect natural resources. Our employees must avoid all actions that may endanger the environment.

Dealing with gifts and gratuities

The principle of appropriateness and transparency applies to the handling of gifts and gratuities. Gifts and gratuities may only be accepted if there are no grounds for suspecting that they may be associated with the exertion of influence or the establishment of an obligation. They are permissible within the framework of general customer care and customer loyalty, provided these conditions are observed. The acceptance of gifts or other gratuities, as well as the attendance of business meals and events, must on no accounts call into question the reputation and standing of our company. Particular customs that are common in certain cultures and countries must be given due consideration. The rules that apply to public officials and equivalent persons are particularly strict. This is a diverse group and, in many countries, will extend to all persons who perform (even indirectly) public administration tasks, in addition to judges, civil servants or other public sector employees. For instance, relevant persons may include government inspectors, experts commissioned by public authorities, civilian employees of the armed forces, employees of public-sector companies organised under private law (e.g. municipal utilities or transport companies) or political representatives and candidates. In some places, the offering of gratuities to holders of public offices is strictly prohibited without exception under threat of criminal prosecution and is otherwise only permitted within very narrow limits. For this reason, written or verbal statements must be obtained in advance from public officials confirming that their acceptance of a gratuity does not infringe any regulations applicable to them. As a rule, invitations and other gratuities may only be issued to public officials with the prior approval of Company Management.

Eschewal of illegal employment

We are committed to our responsibility as an employer and comply with all rules and standards under labour and social law; this applies also to the statutory minimum wage. We reject illegal employment. Our employees are also instructed to demand that our suppliers, subcontractors and other business partner adhere to this core principle at all times. Contracts must not be awarded or must be terminated immediately in the event of noncompliance.


Donations are voluntary benefits without consideration. Donations to political parties, individuals and for-profit organisations, donations to private accounts, donations to organisations whose objectives are incompatible with our corporate principles or which could damage our company’s reputation, are not permitted. All donations must be transparent. Donations may only be approved by Company Management.

Management responsibility

Every part of our company organisation upholds the principles of value-oriented actions. Our Company Management has a particular role model function and is responsible for the values programme. This underlines the importance of the value system at the company. It is a management duty to bring about decisions whenever extraordinary conflict situations arise. In addition, each manager is responsible for every employee placed in their care and must fulfil their organisational and supervisory duties. They are responsible for ensuring that no violations of the law occur within their respective areas of responsibility.

Consequences in the event of infringements

Infringements of these Corporate Business Principles will not be tolerated and will be sanctioned by disciplinary measures, including measures under labour law.