Company history


Mr. Thiel becomes the sole managing director of the company.


Appointment of Dipl.- Geol. Jürgen Thiel as second managing director of the company.


Replacement of the old rotary kiln with a new one after 15 years of service.


The Bonn sales office opens in January 2015.


The services portfolio is expanded by adding the department of environmental remediation to focus on material flow management and the remediation of contaminated sites.


Our company adopts the first letter from our majority shareholder and has operated as ARE Deutzen GmbH since 25/03/2014.


ARE Beteiligungen GmbH and Mr Manfred Garrels purchase all shares in the Deutzen-based company and take it out of the eneotech Group.


The company acquires and secures a right of first refusal for the currently vacant adjacent plot to ensure it has adequate space for future expansion.


eneotech is registered as a trademark. Part of our group operates as eneotech Entsorgungsdienstleistungen GmbH from 15/04/2011.


Our parent company at the time, Bilfinger Berger Umweltsanierung GmbH, and its subsidiaries in Deutzen and Chertsey (UK) are sold by the Bilfinger Group to a financial investor.


Extensive investments in buildings and infrastructure at the location in Deutzen.


Dipl.-Bauing. Manfred Garrels joins the management board of our company.


Renaming as Bilfinger Berger Entsorgung Ost GmbH.


1,000,000 tons have been successfully processed since commissioning of our soil treatment facility.


Bilfinger Berger AG acquires all shares and renames the company Bilfinger Berger Entsorgung GmbH.


We are renamed AAE Abfall- und Altlastenentsorgungsgesellschaft mbH following our merger with the Bremen-based AAE Abfall- und Altlastenentsorgungsgesellschaft mbH. The Kali+Salz Group also purchases a blocking minority in our company.


Capacity upgrade of the thermal desorption system from 80,000 t/year to 120,000 t/year through investments in optimising the rotary kiln.


Our soil treatment facility is sold to Kulturbodenwerk Hanse Beteiligungs-GmbH, a company founded 1988 in Bremen. Umweltschutz Nord GmbH & Co. therefore becomes our new shareholder, which renames us Umweltschutz Deutzen GmbH. From a legal perspective, today’s ARE Deutzen GmbH was therefore founded in 1988.


The storage capacity of the soil treatment facility is doubled by investments in a new building. The roofed storage space is now 44,000 m².


The thermal desorption system is put into operation.


The history of our soil treatment facility begins on 23/02/1993 with the establishment of Broerius Bodensanierung und Umweltschutz GmbH, which was founded 1992 in Bremen. The company erects Building I and administrative offices at our location in Deutzen.